Table of Contents
Section I: Preliminaries and Static Data Structure
1.Introduction and Preliminaries
   1.1 Data Structure and ADT.
   1.2 Pointers.
   1.3 Arrays (1-D, 2-D, Multi-D).
   1.4 Representation of Arrays in memory.
   1.5 Relationship of Arrays with pointers.
   1.6 Operation on Arrays.
   1.7 Strings and Operations on Strings.
2.Structures and Functions
   2.1 Structures and their implementation in C.
   2.2 Pointers and Structures.
   2.3 Pointers and Functions.
   2.4 Sparse Matrices.
Section 2: Dynamic Data Structures
3.Linked List
   3.1 Linked List.
   3.2 Circular Linked List.
   3.3 Doubly Linked List.
   3.4 Circular Doubly Linked List.
   4.1 Definition of Stack.
   4.2 Implementation of Stack through Arrays.
   4.3 Implementation of Stack through Linked List.
   4.4 Application of Stacks.
         4.4.1 Recursion.
         4.4.2 Infix to Postfix.
         4.4.3 Evaluation of Postfix.
         4.4.4 Infix to Prefix.
   5.1 Definition of Queues.
   5.2 Implementation of Queues through Linked List.
   5.3 Application of Queues.
Section 3: Searching and Sorting
   6.1 Sequential Search
   6.2 Binary Search
   6.3 Indexing
   6.4 Hashing Techniques
   7.1 Insertion Sort
   7.2 Selection Sort
   7.3 Bubble Sort
   7.4 Quick Sort
   7.5 Merge Sort
   7.6 Radix Sort
   7.7 Heap Sort
Section 4: Advanced Data Structure
   8.1 Definition of Graph.
   8.2 Representation of Graph in memory.
   8.3 Traversal Algorithms.
   8.4 Shortest Path Algorithms.
   8.5 Spanning Tree Algorithms.
Text Book